Freaking out in the car seat



Trying to go anywhere is usually a nightmare. Today he totally lost it in the car seat and we had to get out and carry him just to get him to sleep so we could put him back in and get home. It’s so horrible and I hate seeing him cry so much 😭 I don’t know how to make it better for him and us. It could’ve also been that he missed his wake window but damn it was horrible. He also usually cries when put in the car seat in general. I’m pretty much confined to the house

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Posted at
Hi Rita, I have a similar situation with my daughter. It’s getting better but definitely hit or miss- I feel like I’ve tried EVERYTHING. I think she’ll outgrow it but it is really hard right now to go anywhere. I did get her a toy that attaches to the car seat and that has helped with short trips for 10 mins or less- it’s a distraction for her so we can practice being in the seat for a bit. Anything longer than that and she’s screaming. I have thought about a convertible car seat- I have read that has helped some other babies, but I just haven’t done that yet. I feel you and the frustration- hang In there!! 💕


Posted at
My daughter hates the car seat as well! I put a little sound machine by her and that seems to help her fall asleep.


Posted at
My boy hated being in the back alone so now I put him in the front and he is so much better!! Still a little fussy at red lights but big improvement x


WW • Feb 7, 2022
Also quite a common thing to do in the UK


WW • Feb 7, 2022
Legal here in the UK as long as the airbag is off!


ki • Feb 7, 2022
Wondering the same thing


Posted at
My son hates his seat too but recently has been getting better with it as long as he’s full and had a good nap and can see his sisters next to him lol


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Mine did the same thing. Just let him cry while reassuring him i was there. He would fall asleep after about 10 minutes. He has been better this past week as we give.hom his favorite toys to play with.


so • Feb 7, 2022
I was in the back with him with his favorite toys and everything but on the way back he was crying too hard where he was choking and sweating. He was just really tired and he fights sleep sometimes and hates being confined


Posted at
Company helps. When my older daughter or husband seats back there with her she is happy bc she interacts with someone.. just have someone sit back with your baby and show her toys and chat


so • Feb 7, 2022
I was in the back with him the whole time 😭 he was fine on the way there but lost it on the way back.