It’s so hard

It’s so hard when those around you get pregnant and they tell you. It’s hard when you had a mmc and when you tried again had a chemical. It’s hard when a person that can’t afford a child in the slightest finds out they’re pregnant. It’s hard when you never got to hear a heartbeat and your friend doesn’t realize that sending you ultrasound pictures and gushing about their baby’s heartbeat hurts you so deeply. It hurts when you’re trying to have the one thing you want so desperately but everyone else around you is getting it. Why is trying to have a baby so hard for so many? High school makes it seem like if you have sex one time you’ll get pregnant when that’s not always the case.

Sorry for the mini rant. Really struggling today. My heart hurts for me and for those that are still trying for their first, for those that had their first and are now struggling to get pregnant again. I wish so much baby dust on all of you beautiful ladies. I hope you get your BFP and have a healthy pregnancy and baby because you deserve it.