Different DPO BFP

Alicia • Trying for my 🌈

I am feeling like I am out this month but I am still holding on to hope. I have a 6 year old and I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks at the beginning of December 2021 and we are trying again since I had one normal cycle. I was wondering if anyone has found out at various DPOs they were pregnant. With my first I don’t remember honestly but with the more recent one I knew 4 days before my missed period. I am 4 days out and have tested and it was negative. I guess I am looking for some hope. I haven’t felt the same since all that happened and I know a baby won’t fix the hurt of losing one but it’s all I can think about. Sorry to ramble just needed some positive words. I have talked my friends ears off about it and I feel like I’m just bothering them with at this point. Baby dust to you all.