Wean off exclusive pumping

Whats the best way to wean off EP? I started weaning yesterday by just skipping one pumping session & only pumping when I got full, not every 3hours. But today I am in agony. I tried hand expressing (actually ended up hand expressing 2.5oz) but ut did not give me relief for long. When I do pump should I still be pumping to empty or just long enough to feel relief? I'm so ready to be done with this!! Lol

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When I stopped night pumping, I would wake up hard as a rock. I only used a haaka to empty until I felt comfortable again. This will prevent stimulating a letdown. After about 3 days I could go the 6-7hr sleep stretch and not feel full. You want to avoid pumping but also avoid clogs. If you feel like there’s a lump, attach a Haaka or hand pump and rub out the hard spot just enough to feel release. It takes 3 days for your body to notice a change in your milk demand. I currently pump at 10pm, 8am, and 2pm.


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I hear you. My breasts start hurting every 3 hours unless I pump it out. If I fall asleep, the pain wakes me up in 6 hours after last pumping. My milk supply decreased when I started pumping less frequently. For example, it only took 3 consecutive pumping sessions every 6 hours to lose 1-2 ounces per pumping session


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When I dropped a full pump completely while I was weaning i had mastitis within like 18 hours and was miserable. I dropped a few minutes from one pumping session every few days then once that session was gone i started dropping a few minutes every few day from another session. Once I was down to one session I started drinking no more milk tea, putting cabbage leaves in my bra and taking Sudafed (then behind the counter stuff) throughout the day and completely dried up in a day or two.


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I got the exclusivepumping.com weaning from the pump guide. It sounds like you’re going super fast and you might put yourself at risk for clogs or mastitis. Say you’re pumping 7 times a day. 4a / 7a / 10a / 1p / 4p / 7p / 10p. Drop your 1p pump by five minutes a day until it’s gone. Then re-space. 4a / 7:30a / 11a / 2:30p / 5p / 10p. Drop your 11a pump by five minutes a day until it’s gone. Then re-space again. 4a / 8:30a / 1p / 5:30p / 10p. Once you get down to two pumps spread 12hrs apart, decide which one you want to drop (again 5 minutes at a time). I dropped the morning one first because it was too uncomfortable to go to bed so full. Then you drop that last pump 5 minutes at a time. When you get to your last five minute session, you don’t pump for 48 hours. Then pump till empty. If you have discomfort in between pumps as you wean, just hand express a teeny bit until you’re comfortable. If you are prone to clogs or mastitis, go three days at the new schedule before you start dropping another pump. I hope this helps!


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I spent a week dropping time during a session and amount of times I pumped a day. After a week I only expressed enough for relief and took hot hot showers to help with the soreness.