should i work until i go into labor at a daycare?


Hi, I’m 35w1D pregnant, I’d like to work for as long as I can for money, and my doctor told me he won’t let me go over my due date, so he would induce me on or before my due date unless I go into labor sooner. Anyways, I work in a daycare, with 7 month-3year olds, which requires a lot of lifting, cleaning, picking up toys, etc. it’s pretty physically and mentally straining, the kids are almost constantly sick too, covid, sinus infections, tons of kids with fever, just all kids of sickness. We obviously send them home and try to take pre cautions, but i’m still around them before sending them home which can be hours. With that being said, would you work until you go into labor/get induced or would you stop working before then? if so, when would you stop?

I’ve still got lots to do before baby gets here, we just moved so still setting up his nursery 😩 I work around 8 hours a day then go home and *try* to work on his nursery and it’s sooo exhausting.