Positive home pregnancy tests but negative blood Hcg test
I have taken six at home pregnancy tests and they are positive. Varying degree of darkness of line. They don’t seem to be growing a lot darker. Some are lighter than the first ones and some are darker in no particular order. When they’re supposed to keep darkening. However, after the first positive hpt I went to a walk in clinic and got my blood drawn for Hcg. The doctor said he doesn’t really know how to read or interpret results and has little experience in doing these tests. At first they said they can’t do the test then they said they can. Well my serum Hcg level came back as <1. There is no way I could be pregnant at that low of a Hcg level. However, I have taken four pregnancy tests since then and they’re positive. Urine pregnancy tests are less sensitive than blood tests so why am I getting positives on these? I think it’s a chemical if I’m even pregnant but that still doesn’t explain it. I don’t know dpo. What does all this mean with the blood and urine tests? The quantitative test is the most sensitive and reliable so I’d think that’s what I go with but it doesn’t explain the positive hpts. And they’re different brands. No I’m not on any medications that can cause a false positive and I haven’t been pregnant in a year so it wouldn’t be lingering.
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