Advice please

Twin Mom 👩‍👧‍👦💕💙 • Mommy of 2 👩‍👧‍👦 #twins💙💕

Hey everyone, I’m currently 6months pregnant with twins (my 1st kids & my boyfriends 1st kids). I haven’t been about to work this pregnancy because of the pain & stuff that I’m in while carrying them, so I had to move back home with my momma. My boyfriend works 3rd shift which mean he sleeps all day & we see each other mainly on his off days. I have the babies in May & I should be able to go back to work in August. I think it’s best for me to stay with my mom until December of this year that would give me enough time to save and get this kids in a good daycare the whole 9. Being a person that already deals with depression I don’t want postpartum depression to hit me & I’m home alone with 2 kids that can be too much. We’ll he thinks we need to be in our own place but how can he pay rent, light bill, internet bill, his car insurance and car note off his checks it’s not happening. And he’s like we don’t spend enough time together well it’s not my fault you chose night shift & even if we moved together I would still be home ALONE. I just feel like I’m the only one thinking like an adult through all of this am I wrong?