I’m 6 weeks pregnant and scared


A few days ago I finally went and bought a pregnancy test because I didn’t get a January period and started to get worried. I got a box of two tests and both said clear as day pregnant. I then went to confirm at the dr and the ultrasound confirmed it. I don’t know how I feel about it. I’m 22 and me and my boyfriend have only been dating for a year. I did graduate this past May and I have my degree which I’m somewhat happy about but I don’t have as much stability as I’d prefer when bringing a child into this world. I really wanted to be married and a little more established in my career but I understand things happen. My biggest worry is finances and the fact that I still live at home. Honestly I still feel like a teen parent. I haven’t even traveled as much as I would’ve liked to or really lived my life how I was supposed to before becoming a parent. I really don’t know and I’m in between maybe I could keep the baby but do I actually want to keep this baby abs have my life change forever. I did beat generations of teen pregnancy but somehow I still know my mom will be so disappointed and when I told her she was. I am so pro choice but the thought of abortion really hurts my heart and I’ve been crying non stop. My boyfriend is in grad school and isn’t totally against keeping our baby but of course we just wish the circumstances and timing was different. I’m so scared of making the wrong decision and I hate that I’m even faced with this decision in the first place. I guess I’m not really looking for advice but I wouldn’t mind it, or words of encouragement lol. It doesn’t matter…