Successful Pregnancy After D&C?


I just had a d&c 2 weeks ago to remove remaining tissue from a MMC. Back story: this is my second miscarriage. I had a successful pregnancy that brought me a healthy baby boy in May 2020. My husband and I started trying for #2 in July 2021. I got pregnant, but found out in September that I was having and MMC. I miscarried naturally 3 days after the ultrasound. After the miscarriage we decided to try again after one cycle (per doctor’s orders). I got pregnant again in late October/early November. This pregnancy had a lot of red flags from the first ultrasound and we found out in January that we were having another MMC. I waited 8 days after the ultrasound and still hadn’t started bleeding so I tried medical management. The first dose started the bleeding, but I didn’t pass anything. I did another dose and passed the sac 24 hours later, but I still did not pass much tissue. At my follow up appointment we decided to do a d&c to remove the remaining tissue.

I really want to try again, but I am so nervous about having a 3rd miscarriage. Part of me wonders if I didn’t wait long enough last time. I go to my d&c follow up next week and I plan to ask about some testing to see if there is an underlying reason for the miscarriages, but I guess I am asking for your experiences. How long did you wait to get pregnant after a d&c? Was your pregnancy successful?