After 16 years, no more bc, insight appreciated!


Hubby and I are going to be trying for baby, so we’re excited!

Back story is I’ve been on bc since forever. I was on a doctor approved regimen so I took pills to only have 4 periods a year (like seasonale). I had a leep procedure 2 weeks ago and doctor said what she saw during procedure that as soon as I healed up she approved trying for baby. 🎉 happy dance.

It’s been so long since I’ve had a period without bc that I’m wondering if you all have abdominal discomfort just below your belly button area when you’re ovulating. It basically feels like a small strip from hip to hip. I’ve been having not pain or cramping, but similar to bloating discomfort off and on 3-5 days after my period ended, but only in that area.

I have a call in to my doctor with general questions about healing stuff but just curious if I’m feeling ovulation pains? I appreciate your feedback!