Help! 10th percentile

Hi fellow moms,

I am so stressed out. I went to the 9 month check up for my daughter and she is in the 10th percentile. She weigh only 16 lbs.

Any advice on what to feed her? She’s also currently dropping her bottles also. Any tips on this?

She however is passed her her milestones. She is already trying to take her first steps. Moving crazy fast and can say mama baba

What can I do???

Feeding schedule looks like this… example only solid food changes everyday


- 6 am 5-6 oz formula

- 8 am fruit oatmeal mix (3 oz) + 10% Greek yogurt (paediatrician approved)

- 10 am cookies as a snack


- 12 pm 4-5 oz formula

- 2 pm potato, chicken+pork, carrot, purée with olive oil, half a egg yolk

- 3:30 pm small snack - cookie, bread with PB or avocado


- 4 pm 4-5 oz formula (she’s been dropping this meal)

- 5:30 pm fruit oatmeal

Late Bottle

- 7-7:30 pm 5-6 oz formula (she’s been dropping this meal) sometimes eating just 3 oz

She poops 3x a day. Her pediatrican said that’s on and normal.

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Is there anything I can give her to help her gain more weight?

Need help. I’m super stressed out.