Post partum hormones ?

Aly • 27 👩🏻💍🧔🏻🐶🐱🐶 👶🏻 Due sept 24/21 🥰

I am almost 5 months post partum and haven’t had a period yet. For the last month I have had bad cramps that can last for hours and then somedays I don’t get them at all. Lots of clear discharge !! Like so much I need liners. I’ve been super bloated the last 2 weeks and was having nausea in the evening but now it’s all day but not everyday. I also notice my emotions are starting to get whacky. Are these my hormones trying to figure things out? I’m not concerned about not having a period yet but this is feeling a lot like pregnancy and wondering if it’s normal/how long it might last.