In a blink of an eye

Tiffany • Girl mama 💕 Baby #2 OTW! Happily Married 💍 RVT 🐾

Well, I go back to work on Wednesday Feb 16th. 3 days away. It's hard to believe that it's been 11 weeks since I had our daughter. It's crazy how I feel like she was just born a couple weeks ago. I remember when she was first laid in my arms. When she first laid eyes on me. When she heard my voice and recognized it.

I would've liked to have stayed home longer with her, but I'm just thankful I got the time I did get with her. Im so blessed to be her mama 💕

I guess it's normal to feel anxious going back to work. I'm excited to go back to work because I love the field I work in, but I'm anxious to see how she will do being away from me for so long. I'm anxious to see how I do being away from her. I'm going back to work full time, so I feel like it's going to be hard to transition from being with my baby 24/7 to just 3-4 hours at most like 4 days a week 😭

I knew I was going to have a hard time going back but I didnt think it was going to be this hard. I know I shouldn't be doing this, and I dont ever do this, but today I decided to let my daughter sleep next to me on my bed for a couple of hours. I just snuggled her close to me. Breathed in her smell. Watched her sleep. Listened to her breathing. I tried to take it alllll in.

I'm going to miss this so much ❤ I'm so thankful though. She is truly the best thing that has ever happened to my husband and I 💜

Hug your babies, mamas! Time flies by in just a blink of an eye