Help I’m a first timer!! My chart seems off, have I missed it?


Okay so this is my first time TTC, third cycle. I’m doing BBT for the first time as well. The past two cycles, I’ve ovulated a bit later than Glow predicted—the first time by 2 days, the second time by 4 days. So I expected to not see a temp increase until later. But now today, three days *before* I am supposed to ovulate, I jump up a whole degree?? What is going on??? Am I missing something? Have I ovulated already?

Note 1: Ignore the first four points, I took them at 8:30am ish but decided 8:30 was too late for me to be taking temps because sometimes I wake up earlier on my own. So on the 14th is when I started taking my temp at 7:30 am.

Note 2: I keep the thermometer by my bedside and do not even get out of bed until I take my temp (yes, I’m doing this right).

Note 3: This is the first cycle I’ve begun drinking raspberry leaf tea and taking vitamin B complex. (I noticed that my last two luteal phases were very short—not sure if it’s my cycle readjusting after coming off BC or another issue, but I read that sometimes those two things can lengthen a shorter luteal cycle.)

Note 4: I have not gotten a positive OPK yet this cycle. Whereas on past cycles I got them very clearly.