Ivf fet- I am devastated and could use some words of advice


I am now currently 9 days post 5 day FET. A couple of days ago I had faint positive tests (on early detection test FRER and cheapies) that began to fade. My clinic does beta 1 on day 10 which falls on Saturday (tomorrow) and they are closed to blood work, so I have to continue to live with this feeling of doom while injecting my self over the next several days. The icing on the cake is I’ve been beyond exhausted and can’t even stay awake like I’m pregnant on top of other symptoms which is even more of a gut punch. I am so hurt to see that line fade and wanted to see if anyone has any encouragement going through this also. Thank you in advance.

Also I did do genetic testing and had a beautiful baby girl embryo. I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest