Back to Work - Can’t Focus


I’ve been back to work for 3 weeks. I have 2.5 year old and ~4 month old boys that go to daycare since my husband and I both work outside the home. I don’t have any anxieties about them being in daycare since my oldest has been there for over 2 years. But ever since I went back to work I can’t seem to focus enough to get tasks completed. We have a new organization so they’re still figuring out who will be doing what and I have a new boss (assigned right before I went on maternity, located over in Belgium while I’m in the US) and a new supervisor and they’re hiring a new manager. So I walked back into a mess from maternity. That, along with having to stop what I’m doing every 3 hours to go pump, and the fact that my mom brain always has a bazillion thoughts trailing through it has made it utterly impossible to do quality work and finish a task from start to end easily.

Does this get better? What can I do to break this funk? I remember being distracted after having my first but that was more of an attachment issue going back to work and leaving baby for the first time. This time around I just feel aloof and I straight up can’t focus. Has anyone else had a similar issue? Is it PPD of some sort?