Losing weight

I started off my pregnancy overweight and the doctor said it was totally normal to lose weight in the first trimester! So I started off at 185, all the nausea and vomitting got me down to 170 and at about week 24, I was gaining weight finally at 174 and yay I was happy and whatnot but today at week 28, she said I went down to 170 and schedule an ultrasound 3 weeks from now. Should I be worried?? I've been taking my prenatal, and even other supplements my doctor prescribed me such as carnitine and zinc. When she pressed on my abdomen she said it feels like he's growing normally but she really said we should schedule an ultrasound when I just had one not too long ago (not complaining cause I love seeing him) but I'm starting to get a bit scared and can't seem to find out what's wrong.