I need someone to tell me it's ok


I'm struggling hard right now. Baby girl is only 4 days old and I feel like I'm already losing it mentally. We're struggling with breast feeding, she seemed to do great at first. I thought she was getting decent latches and a good amount. But today at her check up she's lost enough weight that the dr wants me to start supplementing with formula with every feeding. And the dehydration and weight loss is also contributing to her jaundice. So now she's on a blue light blanket, naked except for a diaper and not getting the greatest sleep. I'm tired. I'm hormonal. I'm emotionally drained. I feel like I should just do what I did with my son and exclusively pump and supplement but everyone is telling me she's only a few days old don't give up you're both learning. Logically I get it. I know I need to keep going but it's so hard and I feel like a failure. I wish there was some magic cure to make her take my breast. I need help. I'm not ok. I don't want to end up resenting her and everyone around me for forcing me to do this. I need someone to tell me it's ok to give up breast feeding so I am mentally able to care and love her. I can't take many more days like today.

Edit: doing much better ladies. Had a lactation consult finally and nurse believes I don't have the production capability to keep baby satisfied. I have the ability to produce some breast milk but just not enough to keep going at it. So made the decision to switch to fully pumping and bottle feeding what's expressed and supplementing with formula like we did the first time around. Been a lot better mentally the last 2 days since. Felt reassured by the nurse that I'm not giving up, that it's something that is physically out of my control. Baby is off the jaundice blanket and is gaining weight. She's almost back up to her birth weight, one more check on Monday and we're probably golden. Thanks for all your kind words ladies, these raging hormones are killer😆😅