Am I Wrong?

The father of my child put his hands on me today .. I fought back this time because I was tired of being somebody’s punching bag and all I could think of was my baby. He hasn’t hit me since I’ve been pregnant and I honestly thought he had changed smh silly me, of course I’m hurt because I imagined this big happy family that I never had but wanted for my baby. I know people are going to say get an abortion but it’s not an option for me. At one point I thought I couldn’t have children and even though this time was sort of an accident, I just don’t want an abortion not knowing whether or not I can conceive again. My whole thing is, I stated that I was getting a protective order but I wanted to know would it be wrong for me to keep him away from his child once she gets here? That’s not my intentions but I don’t trust him and really just wanna pack up and move across the country. (I know some of you will say I shouldn’t bring a baby into a toxic situation like that but I will do everything in my power to make sure my baby is protected)