Help w/ I don’t even know


So I am going to try and explain this the best I can.

I got my IUD replaced November of 2021 - I got the Mirena

I didn’t have periods or any symptoms up to New Years <a href="">Eve</a> 2022. I started bleeding a good amount after using my vibrator which is rare but has happened so I didn’t think anything of it.

In January- The same thing happened

February I had like a week of light bleeding and just thought my period is randomly coming back?

Fast forward to last week or so, I started having random cramping for short bursts and then for the last week I have had a lot of what feels like pressure where my uterus sits. Any time I press I feel it, any time I sit or stand up or move in just the right way (which is becoming more often) I feel it and not exactly a pain but definitely uncomfortable.

This morning, I dry heaved from what I assumed was allergies & I’ve felt mildly nauseous all day.

I’m not even sure if these all have anything to do with each other but I was curious if anyone has been through this and found out what caused it?