Secondary Infertility questions


Hi. I’m 39 and my partner is 41. We had no trouble conceiving 3 years ago but now we’ve been trying for 14 months with no luck. My OBGYN ran blood tests and a simple ultrasound and said everything looks normal. I’m ovulating fine on my own. They want to refer us to an infertility clinic and suggested <a href="">IUI</a> as our best next step. We were really hoping to avoid <a href="">IUI</a> or <a href="">IVF</a> (I’m not entirely sure what my mental block is there. I think I feel guilty that we already have kids, and think this option isn’t meant for us?) Is it pointless to head to the infertility clinic if we don’t want to do <a href="">IUI</a> or <a href="">IVF</a>? Should we send my partner to a urologist for sperm analysis first? How do you deal with the heartache of secondary infertility coupled with the “guilt” for already having perfect kiddos that we are so incredibly grateful for?