Child not listening

I’m just so done. I don’t know what to do and no one has good advice except spanking my child which I don’t do but lately I seriously feel like I need to consider it. She will not listen 75% of the time. I know it’s normal to push boundaries and a lot of the time it’s fine but she will laugh in my face and ignore me. She runs off in stores and in parking lots and it scares me. She will jump on and hurt her sister who is 8 months old and I have to rip her off of her to get her to stop. I don’t think she means to but she seriously will pin her down and laugh while she’s crying. A couple times now I have turned around to her pinning her sissy down with a blanket on her head. I have tried talking to her calmly, time outs, taking toys away, no TV time and nothing is working. I’ve explained these thing are dangerous and can get people very hurt but it doesn’t help. The only way I can sometimes get her to listen is by yelling and I mean YELLING and I hate it. It sounds mean and I get headaches daily and I don’t feel it’s good for either of us. Seriously any advice will be much appreciated. I’m just so tired of not knowing what to do and feeling like a shit parent.