HELP AF is late chart and test look wierd


So I’m now 14Dpo (possibly 13 if I ovulated a day late )

My last test was 12dpo will attach - I thought I was just getting either vvvfl or indents

We got to AF due date and my temp went up not down

Now we are day 2 of being late and it’s dropped - I’m prepared for if she comes but my symptoms are telling me otherwise

Last night I had twinges on my left side as well as shooting pains in my nipples

Woke up this morning boobs feel sore , heavy and nipples sore (I don’t ever get this before AF only when I’m pregnant )

Could this be a very late implantation or !?

I only have 3 day periods so its only got to be another 2 days and I would have missed an entire period

Any advice would be great 👍🏻 thank you I’m a little lost