Am I too late??

Jo • 1 Ectopic 2 early losses, now mommy to the beautiful E 🧡🧡🧡💗

I had my 1st baby at 40 after my years of trying I fell pregnant at 38 only to lose a tube due to an Ectopic. I went on to have 2 early miscarriage before finally falling pregnant with my miracle.

From the beginning I was very one and done. I felt I could go through it all again when the changes are obly getting smaller. I felt happy with this but doubt is startkng to creep in. Im 43 now so it really is now or never. I think im the back of my mind I was hoping it would happend by accident taking the decision out of my hands.

I would love to heard stroies from both sides to help me decide whether to actively try again.