Waiting to miscarry


Hi ladies,

Super bummed to learn that I’m dealing with a missed miscarriage. On my first 8 weeks ultrasound I was only measuring 5+4 with a yolk sak. 10 days later I had another US, didn’t get an update on size but my doctor said no fetal pole or heart beat could be seen. She is sending me for blood work to test my HCG levels and confirm they are declining. I have had zero symptoms. No bleeding/spotting. Have had very mild fleeting cramps but was told these are normal symptoms in pregnancy.

Given that the embyro stopped growing around 5+4, that’s approximately 4 weeks ago today, when will I start to miscarry? After confirming my HCG is decreasing, I need to decide on next steps. Is a D&C better vs passing naturally or using the pill? If natural, then when would I start having symptoms. Any advice would be appreciated.
