Did you ask your significant other to be in a relationship with you?

This is probably really immature, and I feel like it is too. My ex said it’s my turn to ask him to be my boyfriend since we’ve been hanging out and spending time together, and because I broke up with him the last time. He said he is “sure there is some rule” that since I broke up with him that I have to ask him to be my boyfriend. I feel uncomfortable doing that due to one him asking me to, and two for cultural reasons. He’s been really rude to me today too and making me confused. But until this point, things have seemed fine. He said I haven’t done anything wrong. But is giving me the silent treatment. I just feel like he’s being childish by asking me to ask him. Shouldn’t he just ask me out if he has feelings? I feel like he made it weird... 🙁 idk maybe I’m in the wrong.

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