🌈 Baby!

Stephanie • Wife💍 Mom 👧🏼👶🏼 👼🏻🤰🏼Gastric Bypass July 2020 Insta: @stephsbypassedlife

I don’t even know my due date, because just last month, February 11th, I had a D&C. My period had not returned yet. I knew you could be very fertile after miscarriage but I just really didn’t think we would get pregnant lol.

It’s actually a bit funny how I found out about this current pregnancy though. I have been sitting around waiting for my period to come back. This week would have been 7 weeks post op. About week 3.5/4 I was finally testing negative for HCG. So I stopped testing and just started waiting for my period. My husband and I were continuing to be sexually active and not preventing pregnancy lol. But not exactly trying or hoping for a pregnancy.

So yesterday I messaged my OB, just asking her when I should be roughly expecting my period. Told her about my negative tests, and said it’s been 7 weeks. So I was just curious. WELL. 20 mins later I just randomly took a pregnancy test because I had some leftover. Thought nothing of it. Knew it would be negative. NOPE 😂 positive. So I messaged her back and said “well.. I know why my period isn’t happening” 😂

The test I took yesterday was hardly even faint, definitely there, and that was after lots of water and two cups coffee so my urine was very diluted. So I did FMU this morning and SUPER dark like 😂 couple more days and I think it will be a dye stealer lol.

Anywho. Off the rough math my husband and I have came up with, we think my due date is roughly the first week of December, give or take some days 😂

Tomorrow I start my HCG quant labs to see where my levels are at and see how they rise 😊

Yesterdays test! Afternoon.

This mornings test!!