Rashes ?


This has gradually been building up over the course of the week I noticed it starting Monday, I just went to call the drs as she came home from my MILs a bit more flared up tonight and realised they were shut so I’m going to arrange an appointment in the morning but in the meantime has any of your littles had a rash like this and it be eczema or something?

It’s not bothering her in the slightest, no itching and no signs of illness.

It’s so bizarre because in herself she’s absolutely fine, eating, sleeping, playing etc as normal and I’ve changed nothing at home, no detergents, lotions etc my MIL hasn’t changed anything at her house either (she has spare clothes etc)

Rash is contained to legs/feet/stomach and some small patches on arms/back. Nothing on face or hands as I originally thought maybe hand foot and mouth or maybe chicken pox it faded under glass too which reassured me it’s unlikely to be anything too scary