Seeing is believing right?

Savannah • I am 21yrs old and a rape and sa survivor. I am currently a junior in college to become a wildlife biologist!

So for anyone who reads this, I’m living in a college dorm and have been now for almost two full semesters. I have been a skeptic most of my life but as I’ve gotten older my thoughts on ghost/spirits/demons, have been proven wrong. Sorry for the long post, it’s interesting though. Also have you experienced stuff like this? I love to here you stories in the comments!

My family on my moms side has a person, we don’t know who, that watches my family. He’s actually quite famous in the ghost world really. He is know as the hat man online but my family has always just called him the man in the hat. He wears a fedora like hat and a long black trench coat. I’ve never seen him but my little brother has and my mom did a lot when she was little. According to the online articles he is a demon of sorts and likes to inflict fear on humans. But my mom swears he not a demon, as he’s never laid a hand on any of us or tried to scare us. He just stands and watches us.

Okay so now that the back story’s over I’ll tell you of my experiences here in my dorm. FYI I’m going to eku which is known for a wide variety of haunting in different buildings. Didn’t know that until after I started living here 😂. So last semester was my first semester here and i started to notice things. The first thing that happened was one morning, I think it was around 8am, i was asleep with one leg out of the blanket. I sleep in shorts so it was a bare leg. I felt someone gently grab my leg and hold on which made me stir and start to wake up. I hadn’t opened my eyes yet but it suddenly released and went away. So I started drifting back off to sleep. Then I felt it again this time tighter. It happened to suddenly this time that I shot up in bed thinking I’d see my roommate standing there needing something. Nope, no one was there. I looked over and my roommate was still fast asleep.

I brushed it off after pondering on the subject as just me dreaming or something. A couple weeks later I came down with a terrible cold, yes it was a cold, my roommate had gone home that day to go visit family for a week when all of a sudden I started to develop a cold. It got worse and worse as the day went on to the point that once I decided I needed to go to sleep my face hurt so bad and my eyes and nose was burning to bad to even try to go to sleep. I was trying to go to sleep even through my awful pain when it happened. We have a tension rod holding up our curtains, but we never touched the curtains, we always left them open. During all my pain, with the lights out. I heard a loud crashing sound, when I looked up the curtain rod was way out in the floor but nothing in the window sill had been knocked off, it was like someone had pulled it down. I was in too much pain to mess with it so I went to sleep.

Halloween rolled around and I brought a bunch of stuff from home to decorate. Part of those decorations where three brightly colored suction cup spiders. We had decided to put them on our mirror above our sink. Once it was almost Halloween, mg roommate went home because her baby sister was being born so again I was left alone in the room. This night, it was around midnight when one of the spiders fell off the mirror, I didn’t think much about it, I mean suction cups can loosen and come unstuck. Around three all hell broke loose, the other two spiders fell off causing my plastic dishes to fling into the floor. My fake bug that I had taped up all fell down, and my roommates Harry styles poster, which had never fell before and was stuck up with the blue poster putty stuff, fell off the wall and into the floor. I almost left my room. There is no way all of that was a coincidence.

That was probably the biggest things that happened in our room. My roommate had left one of her plastic drawers part of the way open on her plastic drawer thing she had bought from Walmart, while she went to the bathroom. While she was gone the drawer fell into the floor and landed upside down dumping out the whole drawer. I always thought it was weird that it always showed itself in this way, when she was not in the room.

Then I think the scariest encounter was when I had to go to the oldest building on campus, it literally doesn’t have elevators lol. The first time I went I thought it was super creepy but nothing happened. The second time I went because I had to take my friend up there for a meeting with her professor. While we where there we went to find the bathroom and the bathroom door swung open in front of us and then slammed shut in our face. It was super creepy.

This is the hallway in the building where the bathroom was.

My roommate left the end of last semester and was unable to come back so I have had the room all to myself. And I haven’t experienced anything this semester until a few nights ago. I was brushing my teeth before bed, I had already turned most of my lights off except my dimmed lamp beside my bed. Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of a talk being maybe three feet from my back. It looked like a man. I glanced quick not thing much about it because I haven’t experienced anything this semester but if I didn’t turn around and look, and I just used the corner of my eye I could see him standing there again. This time I knew I saw something so I turned around again and no one was there. I turned back to brushing my teeth and this time it was gone.