A woman's job never ends.


I just wanted to type out something I was thinking of today. We've been sick for over a month now with strep throat, a horrible respiratory virus and now stomach flu. I was up throwing up the other night at 11pm and Jaxson and my husband also had it and were up most of the night. I had to comfort Jaxson, bring him in my bed, and still be up at 6am for work. During all of those illnesses I never took a day off (I work from home) even though I felt like I was going to die. I kept Jaxson home, took care of him, and my husband laid "dying" on the couch. I still had to chase after a sick toddler because let's face it, even when they're sick, they're still rambunctious.

I had to still work because my job needs me. If I miss a day it's like missing a month. My job doesn't stop for one day off and it's more work for me to miss time. I still have to cook, still have to make sure everyone has their clothes clean and bedding clean, the house needed sanitized, everyone needed new tooth brushes and groceries still needed shopped.

My husband asked me why I didn't take a day off to get better. My response, as I was chasing my toddler and getting him another snack, was that Mom's don't have time to be sick. A woman's job is NEVER done. We still have to run a household. We still have to comfort the children and wash the bedding and give baths and make sure mouths are fed.

I don't know how we do it, but we do. We are strong and we are women. Nobody else could do what we do!