Early labor? HELP!!!!


I just came back home from the hospital. So I’m 37+ 3 and this is my 3rd pregnancy. Last night I couldn’t tell if my water broke or not because it was just a small trickle. In my other pregnancies my water never fully broke I would just have a drop of what I thought was fluid. I try not to overthink it because I know there was a possibility that it was just pee so I went to sleep.

Around 2:30 AM I wake up with contractions. Nothing intense but definitely consistent. I started tracking them and they were coming in every 2-3 min for about a min long but they weren’t intense. I moved around a lot and bounced on my yoga ball and they felt like they were intensifying so I decided to go to the hospital. When I arrived they tested to see if it was in fact my amniotic fluid and it wasn’t. However my contractions were about every 4 min for awhile not intense but then eventually went up to 8 min. I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced at -2 station. They sent me home and just told me to track my contractions and come back when they get stronger where I have to take deep breathes to breath through them.

Is it highly possible that I can go into labor tonight or this weekend? Anyone else experienced this? I’m still having contractions and they haven’t stopped. Im not timing them until they intensify.