He’s here.


Baby boy arrived 12:51 am on Thursday morning after we arrived at the hospital for induction on Wednesday morning at 6:30 am.

The induction was a slow process. The biggest issue was the epidural. I was told due to the medication I’m on that I could get an epidural if I reduced the dosage the night before… well, apparently my OB and the MFM doctor failed to check if that was actually accurate. I stuck it out until about 6 pm and then when I asked for the epidural before they increased the Pitocin and wanted to break my water. The anesthesiologist said I actually had to wait 24 hours after my last dose which put us at 9 pm to even be able to receive it!

Other than that, it went well. Pushed for only 20 minutes. Oh and fun fact: our labor nurse (who was absolutely wonderful) was actually a former student of my husband’s. 😂

Everyone is home and doing well. It was an initial rough first night, but getting better. Breastfeeding is off to a slow start so we’re supplementing with formula to help flush the high bilirubin numbers.