Breastfeeding and gassiness


Hey just came here to vent

My newborn has been so gassy and fussy since she was born now 16 days old . I’m pretty sure it’s related to my oversupply and strong let down which I’ve been trying to regulate by burping her more often and trying to breastfeed her while I lay down to slow down the flow . She is eating great and gaining so much weight however it’s so uncomfortable for her and she cries a lot .

Today she was breathing so fast and had chest retractions and I thought something was wrong with her breathing she was also grunting a lot. I took her to the pediatrician who agreed and sent me to the ER. The ER doc thought her belly was so distended and she was crying out and super uncomfortable that he even got nervous . Anyways after a slew of tests turns out her lungs and abdomen are fine and it’s all just Gas ! I spent 4 hours not able to feed her and having her poked and prodded . Once I fed her she finally pooped and farted and felt better . And now I’m home again and she’s crying and uncomfortable and arching her back . Anyways it’s so exhausting , I’m hoping her gassiness will improve soon . Any suggestions ?

I’ve tried the football hold and Tummy time which don’t really help. Doc told me mylicon drops . I want to avoid meds as much as possible