Isabel ❤️


I really wanted to share my birth story but I just haven’t gotten around to writing it out really yet. So here we are while baby girl nurses.

So, Wednesday 4/6 (exactly 39 weeks), I woke up to find blood when I wiped. It wasn’t a lot but I called my husband and got him to come over to my mom’s (where I was staying in case I went into labor while he was working since I can’t drive), called my doctor’s, and waited. Docs said to keep an eye on it.

Day progressed, bleeding chilled out, and I assumed I was having my bloody show based on how it looked. Wednesday night, I started having contractions. They were consistent but not strong enough for me to think labor. The time between them changed depending on how I was sitting or laying.

At 3 mins apart, I called doctors again. They said to wait until they were strong enough I couldn’t talk or laugh through them. Okay. Cool. Hubs stayed home from work that night and we hung out and went to bed.

I spent the night waking up with contractions and having to pee a lot. By morning, they had reached a point where I wasn’t comfortable staying home anymore. Called the doctor and they had us come into L&D. Called my mom to get our 6 year old and went on in.

Got to the hospital at 10am on Thursday 4/7. They checked me, I was at 3cm, 70%. After 2 hours, checked again and I was at 4cm, 80%. Given the choice to stay and check again in 2 hours or go home and come back if it got worse. Well, we decided to stay because the contractions were almost unbearable (I was still mostly able to talk and laugh through them). Anytime I got up to walk, they got so much worse that I had to lay back in bed.

They checked again at 3pm and I was at 5cm. They admitted me and got me hooked up to the monitors and ready to go. Around 5-5:30pm they were finally able to give me some pain meds. They checked progression and I was still 5cm, 80% so they gave me a dose of morphine.

That helped the pain ZERO from what I could tell. My husband texted my mom at 5:30 saying I got the pain meds but the contractions were still super strong. She responded a minute later asking if I was going to get the epidural. 16 mins later, he said it was too late for that. I remember him sending that. It was at the point where I was waiting for the doctor to come in so I could start pushing. Needless to say, water broke at 6:48 ish, had to wait a bit longer for the doctor to show up, and baby girl was in my arms by 7:05.

I went from 5cm to baby girl being born in about a half hour to an hour. And most of that was waiting for the doctor to show up so I could finally push her out 🤣

Now we’re home and she’s perfect. My milk came in and my boobs are screaming. She’s having some latching issues but we’re working on them and I’m drowning in lanolin cream hoping for these nipples to heal to make nursing a bit less painful. Her big brother absolutely adores her and tomorrow is his first night home since she’s been born so that’s going to be interesting.