Fainting/Passing Out While Pregnant?


Since about 27 weeks I’ve been having these fainting/passing out episodes. They happen about once a week- sometimes I’ll have two in one week but only fully pass out once. I’m 32 weeks now and have had all kinds of tests run- everything comes back normal. I wore a heart monitor last week so still waiting for results on that. I eat every 2 hours and drink water like crazy! I have no idea what could be causing this- just wondering if anyone else has experienced this or has any insight? Since every test has been coming back normal my only concern is that it’s happened while I’ve been driving like 4 times. Thankfully I can “sense” it coming- my vision starts to fade, I feel clammy, etc so I have been able to pull over and safely lose consciousness so far. I’m worried there may come a day that I’m driving and have no warning sign and just pass cold out in motion🙈😓 Anyone have similar experiences??