Positive birth story!! 38 weeks


So I went to my 38 week appointment yesterday and my provider has been treating me for high blood pressure for about 2 months. Yesterday he let me know i also had protein in my urine and he was officially diagnosing me with preeclampsia and that i needed to go to the birth center immediately and deliver (aka be induced).

Y'all imma be completely honest.... I went home, had my lunch, drank a cup of raspberry leaf tea, had sex, met up with my doula and then we all headed over within generally the next 3 hours. I just didn't want to begin the whole process stressed.

AND IT WORKED. When i got checked in, yes my blood pressure was through the roof, liver enzymes were bad, and kidneys were dumping protein like nobodies business, but I was also FIVE CENT. DIALATED and contracting every 6 minutes (I'd thought they were just Braxton Hicks).

The Dr suggested we start a magnesium sulfate drip (to reduce risk of seizures) and break my water and see what happened. Initially I was hesitant to break my water as i truly did not believe it was possible i was already in labor, but I consented to it after some thought. She broke my waters around 6 PM, and by 7 PM i began to experience what i would call "legit" contractions. I will admit at one point i did have a mini meltdown and tell my doula and husband i needed pain relief and wanted an epidural. The doula asked me if I wanted an epidural or if i wanted a pain med given in my IV, to which i realized I wanted just a pain med for the moment and just needed a break from the intensity of the contractions. They gave me a single dose of meds and i was able to calm down a bit and continue through what i realize now was transition.

Suddenly everyone was in the room and my husband was getting ready to catch the baby. I was so confused because i barely felt the urge to push but apparently at this point he was actively crowning and i just was so in the zone i didn't even notice. I can honestly say i had no pain or burning or anything as i pushed him out. It was this oddly disconnected blissful moment where time stood still and i took as much time as i needed to ease his head and then body out. My husband was able to catch the baby (!!!) and hand him to me. I only had a few grazes, no major tears, no stitches .... And I'm a ftm so this was totally awesome.

We delayed cord clamping, then delivered the placenta and snuggled for a few hours before he got any checks. Overall just absolutely beautiful experience and i loved it. Our baby is 6 lb 8 oz, 19 inches, and pure snuggles 💕