Would you induce at 39 weeks?


At my last appointment my midwife asked if I would be interested in induction at 39 weeks. She said that medically she “could make an argument for it” because of some other stuff going on. I’m currently 37+6. No real sign this is happening anytime soon - I was dilated 1.5 cm, 40% effaced at my last Appt but she said that her gut was I wouldn’t be having this baby this week. That the baby still had a ways to drop

Anyway - would you induce at 39 weeks if given the option? With my first my water broke at 36+1 so this wasn’t an issue.

I would rather avoid an unnecessary c section. And I’m trying things like pumping, ball bouncing, eating dates and the like to encourage things along. But let me know what you would do.