Pregnancy and bleeding.


Let me start by saying, I have 5 babies.





5 months

I tested Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. (Yesterday) positive pregnancy test. Also yesterday morning I woke up at 5 am bleeding and cramping and around 8am I passed a HUGE clot and I’ve been bleeding and cramping since then. I also have been peeing more frequently. I also formula feed, my 5 month old I always have and I haven’t had but two periods since he’s been born.. I normally have pretty steady and regular periods. I went to the doctor yesterday for them to run some blood work and to see where my levels are. Based off my last period, I would be 6 weeks and a few days. I’ve seen and heard people tell me stories of them bleeding early pregnancy and they continue on to have normal healthy pregnancies, all though we weren’t trying we are upset if this is a loss. We’ve always had normal healthy pregnancies, they waiting game is killing me as to what’s going on with my body. If you read this far thank you so much, I guess I just needed to vent to someone.