How long are you waiting for the next baby?

Allison • girl mama to ellie and ivy tattooed mom boho and nature enthusiast

Hello ladies!

I was due April 10 but due to having high blood pressure with contractions and being dilated to a 4 I went into L+D and they diagnosed me preeclampsia and was induced and had our second baby girl March 4 at 34 weeks 5 days!

We have a 3 year old daughter and my question is: how long are you waiting to start trying for your next baby?

We both agree that the age gap was great for introducing a new sibling to our only child but don’t want to wait 3 years for the next baby and didn’t know when people were thinking of actively trying and what age gaps people have between their children that think it’s been better than waiting longer.

My MIL said she would like our newborn about 18 months apart from the next baby so that would mean in about 7-8 months trying again since pregnancy is 9 months alone — and while I’m all for having a third (probably our last) it’s a little overwhelming thinking in 7-8 months getting pregnant again and having to do the whole pregnancy thing all over again 😂

Pic of our newborn and 3 year old big sister just for fun 🥰