Weaning - tips?



My baby will be 10 months on the 24th and we have exclusively breastfed until 6 months when I introduced solids (but still bf pretty much when he wakes up for the day, and nursing to sleep for naps/nighttime).

I’m trying to mentally prepare for when I’ll be done bf. I enjoy it a lot but he has bitten me a few times now, and as he gets closer to a year I’m just wondering what everyone else has done to transition.

He has never liked formula and only liked bottles for a little bit when he was younger. Now he will not take a bottle and I haven’t pumped in months because I haven’t needed to (sahm). Recently I’ve been making sure he gets 3 meals a day even if it’s just a snack to get him more used to solids but like I said I’m still bf to sleep. Not sure how to put him to bed otherwise 🥴

Any tips for what to do and how to do it?