Weird period? TMI

So my period was pretty solid for about 2 days. It was a weird texture it was like a watery slime consistency. It went away on the third day I had nothing after changing the pad from the night. Nothing at all on the 4th day. I’m now on what’s supposed to be the last day. So day 5. There was nothing until I had sex then I had a little bit brown spotting. Now it’s late and it’s a bit pinky red. I haven’t needed to wear a pad since day 2 because it’s only when I wipe. Could this just be a weird period. Has this happy anyone else? Could it be a hormone problem? Could it be a weird type of implantation bleeding. I would test but I don’t want to waste a test. Plus I’ve drank like 3 liters of water today so it’s probably diluted. So I just want to hear some opinions.