I am never not tired anymore.

Good grief. I never thought it was possible to feel this tired day after day. I'm 9+3 and I can barely get out of bed to make it to work on time. Before I got pregnant I would spend my Saturdays cleaning the house but now I can barely unload the dishwasher without wanting to sit back down. Is this normal? I'm taking all my prenatals and vitamins that my OB has recommended. I'm taking B12 and vitamin D in the morning because my blood test showed I was slightly deficient in D. I am also drinking about a half cup of coffee each morning because it helps a bit with the energy and helps me poop (LOL!) but the boost in energy only lasts so long.  I am so lucky my partner is being so loving and understanding. He has been cooking and cleaning for me without complaint and gets up early to take care of our dogs in the morning. But I feel so guilty for not being able to help around the house because I'm always napping. Anyone else going through this in their first trimester? I just want my energy back. 😴💤