Induction time...very slow!

Emily • Mummy of 3 💙💜💙 🇬🇧 UK

Homebirth plans went out the window for me as my consultant OB booked me to be induced at 39 weeks due to polyhydramnios (too much water)

This is our 3rd baby, 1st two were low risk natural labour/birth so this induction process is all new to me...and I don't like it! I have been here since the 13th, had a pessary in for almost 24 hours and apart from some contractions last night...nothing happening!

Spending the night here was AWFUL, there are 4 beds on my ward and there is no chance of getting any monitors going off, lights around, people rustling bags, eating all times of night very loudly 😩 all the reasons why I wanted a homebirth!

Anyone else having an induction? Or had one?! How did you speed things up a bit? Or get through the night with a bit of decent sleep?!