She's here

Taylor • Married❤️24❤️3 boys❤️#4 in 2022

Aubree is finally here. Born April 12th 2022. 7lb 1oz. At 3:12pm. Oh Lord 26 whole hours of labor, I chose to be induced. My due date was April 16th, 2022. I asked for epidural like I always do. But my nurse turned it off when it was close to time to push (without me knowing) and boy I was not happy lol. But that was so I can feel the contractions. Her father was very supportive and even shed some tears with me and wiped mine away as I felt every ounce of her body coming out of me 🥴😂💕. I'm glad it's all over and this is the rewarding reward I received in the end. Ladies you can do it. And it's definitely worth the wait. Can't wait until she meet her big brothers at home later. I pray everyone else have a safe delivery and healthy baby. Meet Aubree lovette-taylor. 2 days old 🤕❤️✨ My 4th and last pregnancy. My First Girl 🎉