Baby is HERE Birth Story


This was my 7th pregnancy and child. On 4.14.22 at 230am I was awaken by urgent diarrhea. After sitting on the toilet for about ten mins I decided to shower and clean myself up good. I knew I had to get all my kids off to school. In the shower I started to have period like pains but thought nothing of it. At my 38 week checkup on Monday I was only 2cm and Dr said baby was still high up to high for a membrane sweep. After getting out the shower I decided to lay back down as it was right around 3am and I didn't have to be up until 6am to start cooking breakfast. As soon as I got comfortable I had a contraction that I knew wasn't a braxton hicks. I opened this app to use the contraction timer and noticed they were six minutes apart. I told dh it was time to go. When we got to the hospital at 330am they checked me and I was still 2cm. The nurse hooked me up to monitors and walked out the room in 30 mins she came back and told me if I didn't make changes she would be sending me home. She suggested I get out the bed and walk around the triage room. This made the contractions come fast stronger and harder. At 545am the triage nurse came back in and I was no longer able to talk during contractions only moaning and they lasted for over a minute now. She waited until I wasn't having one and check me and I was 6cm dilated. She said okay let me get you over to your delivery room which happened to be next door to triage room. It was so hard to switch beds I was in horrible pain. Once I got in my labor bed I was asking for help and pain meds. I have had three natural childbirths so this time I had nothing to prove to myself I wanted drugs. They told me I had to get an IV in and started first. I was stuck 6 times with no success. The nurses said I didn't bring my veins with me. Then a man angel came in and got my IV in my hand with one poke little did I know he was also the anesthesiologist. He got my epidural in and man was it a good one. It took awhile to work but I noticed the contractions getting weaker and weaker. Less than an hour after getting my epidural in I was 10 cm and it was time to push. It took me 45 mins to push baby out because of his position and size. I couldn't feel the pushes making progress and I started to panic...all my other babies came out with three or less my nurse who I adore Lisa got a mirror to help me see. This was a game changer. Baby was born at 8:03 am. We are in love. Welcome to the world Seven. Born 4.14.22 38w1d. Thank God for a safe delivery and recovery for baby and I. God bless and best wishes to all moms waiting to deliver. My original due date was 4.27.22