5 year old with Possible Crohns


Hi so back story, my 5 year old has dealt with random belly pain since he was 2 years old lasting anywhere for 30 mins to 2 hours. The past 2 days he has been crying all day in pain. I took him to the ER they ran blood work, urine and x ray of his belly told me that there was nothing wrong with him and sent us home. We got home and he started crying more and then had diarreah and pooped out bowel tissue. I took him back and demanded a CT Scan. That showed thickend large intestinal wall and a 6mm string of fat. Also showed some swelling around his appendix area near where the intestinal wall was swollen. Anyway the pediatric surgeon doesn't think it's appendicitis he thinks it's some sort of colitis. Luckily we see the gastroenterology doc on Monday. Does this sound familiar to any of you? He also has barley eaten anything.