Induction update

Mrs. • Momma to 2 on earth and 2 in heaven. Pregnant with the next adventure! 2014 👼🏼 2016 👧🏼 2018 👧🏼 2020 👼🏼 2022 🤰🏼

I am 38 weeks today and I was put on the drip at 2pm. My water broke spontaneously at 6pm (I’ve been induced with all of my babies so I’ve never experienced it breaking on it’s own). So happy I got to experience that naturally tho as I completely wasn’t expecting it lol. It is now 7:00 and we are just waiting on a delivery room incase this little one decides to come soon. When I was induced at 23 weeks for my still born son in 2020 I dilated 8cm in 1.5 hours. So this will be my 4th induction. Told the hubby to run downstairs and grab something to eat now while he still can. 🥰

So ready for this baby