Baby girl is here!


I started having contractions all day Friday and into Saturday and they started getting painful but they weren’t regular so I didn’t think nothing of it . Woke up at 3 am in extreme pain but still sorta bearable so I got a bottle of water and chugged it to see if they would back off a little . Laid down in bed for a little while trying to get comfortable and around 4:30 I feel a pop and my water breaks , so I yell to my husband to get things ready while I go change my clothes . Immediately after my water breaks my contractions become so unbearable and I feel as if she’s fixing to just fall out of me . We get to the hospital at 5 and I’m 5 cm dilated and in antagonizing pain and had to have 2 bags of iv fluids before I could get an epidural. Needless to say I wasn’t happy. By the time I got my epidural I was 8cm dilated and was so uncomfortable I was trying to push with every contraction . They got my epidural in just in time because 20 minutes later I was at 10 cm and ready to have her . Didn’t quite get enough time for the epidural to set in and it burned when I pushed her out but it didn’t hurt . She was born at 7:23 am Saturday April 16,2022 .