Unplanned Pregnancy and Feeling Alone

I'm 5 weeks pregnant, found out at 3wks 4d. I told my partner the same day I found out and it feels like he's either in denial or is avoiding to topic altogether. We've been together a few years and we've talked about having kids but were planning for a couple years from now. He does have a child that he doesn't have custody of, but this is my first pregnancy. Anytime I turn down alcohol or caffeine or choose not to take certain medications, he asks why. When I feel nauseated or get cramps he just kinda ignores my complaints. Last night he made a comment after I said I couldn't take a certain allergy medication in the first trimester. He said something along the lines of putting it up for adoption because they're expensive. So now I feel completely alone and don't know how to talk about it with him. I was told for the last 6 years that I wasn't ovulating and I'd need a fertility specialist to conceive. I was on medication just to force a period each month so this pregnancy feels like a miracle or meant to be and not having his support breaks my heart.