Period or pregnancy?


I have been off of the pill for over a month now. I haven’t been trying but I haven’t been preventing. I have been off the pill once before. When I was off I noticed I would get my period 2-5 days earlier than when I was on my pill every cycle. I would also get my period every 2-3 weeks. This time around (I know it’s only been a month) I haven’t gotten my period yet. Today will be 1 day late. I woke up yesterday and had some cramping that resembled period cramps but nothing. I did have sex during my fertile window but not the day I was suppose to ovulate or the day after. I took a pregnancy test on 8 , 9, 10 DPO and they were all negative. I think my body is just adjusting but is there a chance it more than just that?

P.s. I’ve been on the pill for 5 years and the first time I went off was a few months ago for 2 months. I went back on because of hormonal acne I thought it’d cure it (it didn’t) then my last period which was March 22 I decided to officially go off again.